New REALTOR® Member
Click on the month that you plan to join BCAR to review fees.
Primary Membership: BCAR, NCAR, and NAR dues are prorated based on the month of joining.
Secondary Membership: Individuals who pay their NAR dues to another organization are eligible for a secondary membership. An NC REALTORS® membership is NOT mandatory for secondary members. However, NC REALTORS® only offers free NC Real Estate forms to members.
New Member Designated REALTOR®/Broker in Charge (BIC)
Click on the month that you plan to join BCAR to review fees.
Primary Membership: BCAR, NCAR, and NAR dues are prorated based on the month of joining.
Secondary Membership: Individuals who pay their NAR dues to another organization are eligible for a secondary membership. An NC REALTORS® membership is NOT mandatory for secondary members. However, NC REALTORS® only offers free NC Real Estate forms to members.
MLS Only
One Time Fees at Time of Joining
$250.00 – Subscriber Processing Fee
$75.00 – MLS Initiation Fee
Monthly Fee
$82.67 – MLS Monthly Fee
Broker in Charge
One Time Fees at Time of Joining
$1,500.00 – MLS Office Application Fee
$250.00 - Subscriber Processing Fee
$100.00 – MLS Initiation Fee
Monthly Fee
$129.67 – MLS Monthly Fee
MLS Team Setup Fee
$200.00 – Team Setup Fee
Affiliate Dues
Dues are prorated at the time of joining based on the month. After joining, renewals for all affiliates will occur the following July at the $150 rate.
January-June Joining
$75.00 – Affiliate Dues
July-December Joining
$150.00 – Affiliate Dues
New Affiliate Key Holder
Dues are prorated at the time of joining based on the month. After joining, renewals for all affiliates will occur the following July at the $150 rate.
January-June – One Time Fees at Time of Joining
$75.00 – Application Fee
$50.00 – Initial Key Setup Fee
July-December – One Time Fees at Time of Joining
$150.00 – Application Fee
$50.00 – Initial Key Setup Fee
Monthly Fees
$17.50 – Monthly eKEY