BCAR donates over $10,000 to Community in Schools

Photo: BCAR Cares Committee Chair, Amy Crooks, delivers $10,530 donation to Community in Schools staff
Brunswick County Association of REALTORS® recently completed the annual Holiday Giving Program. The funds that were raised during the Holiday Giving Program were donated to Brunswick County Community in Schools. CIS is an organization that supports students in Brunswick County schools. Their mission is to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life. To learn more about CIS, click here.
Thanks to the generous monetary donations made by over 100 BCAR REALTOR® and Affiliate members, this program was a huge success.
Thank you for making a donation and supporting local children:
Kerry Kasotsky, Aire Serv of Brunswick County
Bill Jones, Alcova Mortgage
Stuart Vick, AmeriSpec Inspection Services
Anna Arlington, Arlington Realty Group
Ryan Powers, ASAP Realty
Suzanne Polino, ASAP Realty
Rod Meadows, ASAP Realty
Robin Hess, Beach Time Realty
Rhonda Baxley, Better Beach Sales
Bruce Williams, Bruce Williams and Associates
Sue Singleton, Carolina Coast Homes Real Estate
Lori Bradley, Carolina Elite Properties
Jessica DuBose, Carolina Exclusives
Pamela Albach, Carolina Plantations Real Estate
Nolan Payne, Carolina Plantations Real Estate
Rusty Martin, Carolina Plantations Real Estate
Nancy Boston, Carolina Plantations Real Estate
Tyler French, Catalyst Home Inspections
Monica Baxter, Century 21 Collective
Ravina Roberts, Coastal Destination Properties
Brendan Gordon, Coastal Development and Realty
Beth Crowell, Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage
Barbara Andrews, Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage
Dennis Krueger, Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage
Patricia Widso, Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage
Penny Krueger, Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage
Sheryl French, Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage
Tina Cox, Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage
Mary Conover, Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage
Kristin Aroner, Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage
Steve Wells, Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage
Ben Styers, Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage
Linda Williams, Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage
Bonnie Rotundo, Coldwell Banker Sloane
Christian Kohler, Coldwell Banker Sloane
Shirley Johnson, Coldwell Banker Sloane
Joy David, Coldwell Banker Sloane
Rita Tatum, Corning Credit Union Mortgage
Will Mitchell, Corning Credit Union Mortgage
Karen Pigg, Creekmore Realty Group
Catherine Sutz, Duncan Group Properties
Sarah Everhart, EverHome Realty
Jack Hamilton, EXP Realty
Carolyn Walls, First Bank
Lindsey Cartee, First National Bank
Colleen Teifer, Greylock Company
Carrie Kinney, Innovate Real Estate
Karen Throckmorton, Integrity Home Mortgage
Beth Rogers, Intracoastal Realty
Cindy Leonard, Intracoastal Realty
Joelle Hardcastle, Intracoastal Realty
Trisha Howarth, Intracoastal Realty
Cameron Brand, Intracoastal Realty
Edwina St Pierre, Intracoastal Realty
Grace Schroeder, Intracoastal Realty
Jeff Patterson, Intracoastal Realty
Melony Rice, Intracoastal Realty
Michael Rogers, Intracoastal Realty
Meredith Conklin, Island Girl Realty
April Annas, Island Life Real Estate
Clifton Cheek, Keller Williams Innovate
Katherine Cheek, Keller Williams Innovate
Amy Carroll, Keller Williams Realty
Lynn Gulledge, Keller Williams Realty
Carlo Zulla, Keller Williams Realty
Amy Crooks, Kinstle and Company
Danielle Kinstle, Kinstle and Company
Marcia Erwin, Margaret Rudd and Associates
Bob Bates, Margaret Rudd and Associates
Connie Kisling, Margaret Rudd and Associates
Tom Bailey, Margaret Rudd and Associates
BJ Ellender, Margaret Rudd and Associates
Karen Wirzulis, Margaret Rudd and Associates
Brooke Rudd, Margaret Rudd and Associates
Patricia Proctor, Margaret Rudd and Associates
Martha Lee, Martha Lee Realty
Bryan Parker, Monarch Mortgage
Scott Hagan, NC Farm Bureau
Natalie Moore, NorthGroup Real Estate
Yvonne Duckett, Ocean Ridge Plantation
Carl Palmiter, Palmiter Real Estate
Pamela Palmiter, Palmiter Real Estate
Martha Pope, Pope Real Estate
Brenda Vrooman, Proactive Real Estate
Sally Vanjoske, Proactive Real Estate
Sylvia Pate, Proactive Real Estate
Ammie Archer, Proactive Real Estate
Jeff Messer, Realty One Dockside
Steven Robertson, REMAX at the Beach
Cathy Riddle, REMAX at the Beach
Brian Mcghee, REMAX at the Beach
Carole Kozloski, REMAX at the Beach
Jim White, Sea Oats Real Estate
Tori Humphrey, Seaside Appraisals and Realty Centre
Darren Bouley, Silver Coast Properties
Charlene Cole, Southern Realty Advantage
Julie Popichak, Southern Realty Advantage
Monica Roane, Southern Realty Advantage
Kim Anne Russ, Southport Realty
Chris Grocott, St James Properties
Kathy Stamp, Starheel Properties
Steve Knudson, Steve Knudson Appraisers
Debra Cornwell, The Saltwater Agency
Mary Bergere, The Saltwater Agency
Seth Barbee, The Saltwater Agency
Christi Gallagher, The Saltwater Agency
Mandy Pope, The Saltwater Agency
Wayne Tharp, The Tharp Group
Ginger Dunn, Wendy Wilmot Properties

To learn more about BCAR Cares, visit our website.
Following the leadership of the BCAR Cares Committee, BCAR members are encouraged to get involved and give back by supporting BCAR Cares Programs.